John Wiley & Sons和畸形學學會將出版一份新的期刊《出生缺陷研究》。這本新雜志是胚胎-胎兒發育和生殖領域的原始研究和評論的綜合資源。出生缺陷研究借鑒了威利兩個現有期刊的專業知識和聲譽,并為發育生物學和胚胎學的評論引入了一個新的論壇。新雜志由三部分組成:第一部分:臨床和分子致畸學,以前作為致畸學出版;第二部分:發育和生殖毒理學,以前作為致畸、致癌和誘變出版;第三部分:今日胚胎:綜述
John Wiley & Sons and the Teratology Society are please to announce a new journal, Birth Defects Research. This new journal is a comprehensive resource of original research and reviews in fields related to embryo-fetal development and reproduction. Birth Defects Research draws from the expertise and reputation of two current Wiley journals, and introduces a new forum for reviews in developmental biology and embryology. The new journal consists of three parts: Part A: Clinical and Molecular Teratology, formerly published as Teratology; Part B: Developmental and Reproductive Toxicology, formerly published as Teratogenesis, Carcinogenesis and Mutagenesis; Part C: Embryo Today: Reviews
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