之前稱為計算機護理。計算機,信息學,護理學是唯一一本專門研究計算機在護理實踐中的應用的雜志。計算機技術被納入病人數據管理、資源管理和機構間通訊。目前強調衛生保健提供者之間的溝通,因此需要具備信息管理技能的護士。計算機、信息學、護理學涵蓋了計算機技術在當代護理實踐中的應用,解釋了如何操作和為什么在每一步的方式。從計算機新手到經驗豐富的用戶,CIN:計算機,信息學,護理提供了一個完整的軟件包,提供了現實的解決方案。讀者將了解如何使用技術來節省時間和金錢,提高生產力,并改善溝通。CIN Plus,包括在CIN一年三次中,提供了更多的操作信息。
Formerly known as Computers in Nursing. CIN: Computers, Informatics, Nursing is the only journal dedicated to computers in nursing practice. Computer technology is incorporated into patient data management, resource management and inter-agency communication. The current emphasis on communication among health care providers has created a need for nurses who are skilled in information management. CIN: Computers, Informatics, Nursing covers the application of computer technology to contemporary nursing practice, explaining the how-to and why at each step of the way. From the computer novice to experienced user, CIN: Computers, Informatics, Nursing offers a complete package that delivers realistic solutions. Readers discover how to use technology to save time and money, increase productivity, and improve communication. CIN Plus, included in CIN three times a year, provides more how-to information.
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