Genetica發表關于遺傳學、基因組學和進化的論文。我們的期刊涵蓋了基因組學、保護遺傳學、基因型-表型相互作用、evo-devo、群體和定量遺傳學以及生物多樣性等領域的最新進展。Genetica發表原創研究文章,解決這些領域的新概念、實驗和理論問題,不管分類單元考慮的是什么。生物醫學論文和育種動物和植物遺傳學的論文不屬于遺傳學的范圍,除非在進化的背景下。遺傳學、基因組學和進化方面的最新進展也發表在該領域專家發表的專題和綜合論文中。有關提交及出版程序的詳情:-無版面收費-網上及印刷彩色圖像免費-可選的開放存取出版費用(APC) - 3000美元,- / 2200歐元,-Genetica將考慮發表PCI的快速跟蹤論文。Genetica是出版倫理委員會(COPE)的成員之一。該雜志應用COPE的出版倫理原則來處理潛在的不當行為。提交給Genetica的每一篇文章都會被篩選為剽竊。一旦發現抄襲,稿件將立即被退回。
Genetica publishes papers dealing with genetics, genomics, and evolution. Our journal covers novel advances in the fields of genomics, conservation genetics, genotype-phenotype interactions, evo-devo, population and quantitative genetics, and biodiversity. Genetica publishes original research articles addressing novel conceptual, experimental, and theoretical issues in these areas, whatever the taxon considered. Biomedical papers and papers on breeding animal and plant genetics are not within the scope of Genetica, unless framed in an evolutionary context. Recent advances in genetics, genomics and evolution are also published in thematic issues and synthesis papers published by experts in the field.Details Concerning the Submission and Publication Procedures:- No Page Charges- No Fees for Color Images Online and in Print- Optional Open Access Publication Fee (APC) – USD 3000,- / Euro 2200,-Genetica will consider fast tracking papers from PCI for publication.Genetica is a member of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE). The journal applies COPE’s principles of publication ethics to deal with potential acts of misconduct. Each submission to Genetica is screened for plagiarism. When plagiarism is detected, a manuscript will be immediately rejected.
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