The journal is in English and is refereed and distributed internationally. The journal is sent to all major agricultural university libraries and is since 2009 it is listed as an ISI journal in the Thomson database.The 5-year ISI Impact Factor is 0.757. From 2015 all articles published in IAS will have a doi number from CrossRef. It is also indexed in the CAB Abstracts, the BIOSIS database, the SCOPUS database and Google-Scholar search engine, and as such it is internationally established.IAS publishes Original articles, Reviews, Short communications and Letters to the Editor written by researchers throughout the world on any aspect of applied life sciences that are relevant under boreal, alpine, arctic or subarctic conditions. Relevant subjects include e.g. any kind of environmental research, farming, breeding and diseases of plants and animals, hunting and fisheries, food science, forestry, soil conservation, ecology of managed and natural ecosystems, geothermal ecology, etc.Original research articles must cover new and original research that has not been published before in a medium with peer reviewing and after publication in IAS will not be republished elsewhere. They should generally not exceed 12 printed pages, or ca. 5.000 words + tables and figures.Short communications focus on studies with more limited coverage than original articles, unique observations or research techniques. The absolute maximum length is 4 printed pages, or ca. 2000 words. Short communications do not need an abstract.Review articles should generally not exceed 15 printed pages or ca. 7.000 words + tables and figures. Letters to the Editor are reserved for comments on articles published in the journal and are not reviewed except for necessary language corrections. They should not exceed one printed page or ca. 450 words.
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