本系列報告的新發展,在所有領域的數學及其應用-快速,非正式和高水平。歡迎分析數學文本在建模和數值模擬方面的新進展??紤]出版的材料包括:1. 研究專著2. 關于一個新領域的講座或在一個經典領域的新角度的演講3.暑期學校和集約課程的課題研究現狀。已絕版但仍有需求的文本,如果屬于這些類別,也可以考慮。手稿的及時性有時比它的形式更重要,它可能是初步的或試探性的。
This series reports on new developments in all areas of mathematics and their applications - quickly, informally and at a high level. Mathematical texts analysing new developments in modelling and numerical simulation are welcome. The type of material considered for publication includes:1. Research monographs2. Lectures on a new field or presentations of a new angle in a classical field3. Summer schools and intensive courses on topics of current research.Texts which are out of print but still in demand may also be considered if they fall within these categories.The timeliness of a manuscript is sometimes more important than its form, which may be preliminary or tentative.
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