《酶學方法》是由西德尼·p·科羅威克和內森·o·卡普蘭(現隸屬于愛思唯爾)聯合創辦的學術出版社出版的一系列科學出版物,主要關注生物化學的研究方法。從歷史上看,每一卷都圍繞著特定的生物化學主題,如DNA修復、酵母遺傳學或一氧化氮生物學。然而,近年來所涵蓋的主題范圍已擴大到也包括以生物技術為導向的研究領域。該書于1955年首次出版,共有550多卷。該叢書目前由約翰·阿貝爾森(John Abelson)、梅爾文·西蒙(Melvin Simon)、格雷戈里·弗丁(Gregory Verdine)和安娜·派爾(Anna Pyle)編輯,每一卷都由該領域的專家學者擔任客座編輯和投稿。本文對生物化學實驗技術作了詳細的介紹。該系列在生物醫學研究領域得到了廣泛的應用和引用。
Methods in Enzymology is a series of scientific publications focused primarily on research methods in biochemistry by Academic Press, created by Sidney P. Colowick and Nathan O. Kaplan, now part of Elsevier. Historically, each volume has centered on a specific topic of biochemistry, such as DNA repair, yeast genetics, or the biology of nitric oxide. In recent years, however, the range of topics covered has broadened to also include biotechnology-oriented areas of research.First published in 1955, there are more than 550 volumes in the collection. The series is currently edited by John Abelson, Melvin Simon, Gregory Verdine and Anna Pyle, with each volume being guest-edited and contributed to by the expert researchers in the field.The articles offer detailed description of experimental techniques in biochemistry. The series is widely used and cited in the biomedical research field.
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