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Neurosurgery, the Official Journal of the Congress of Neurological Surgeons is your most complete window on the contemporary field of neurosurgery. Members of the Congress and non-member subscribers receive 3000 pages per year packed with the very latest science, technology, and medicine, not to mention full-text online access to the world''s most complete, up-to-the-minute neurosurgery resource. For professionals aware of the rapid pace of developments in the field,Neurosurgery is nothing short of indispensable. We at the Congress of Neurological Surgeons, theNeurosurgery editorial office, and Wolters Kluwer hope you enjoy these features of the online site.Unlimited site access for Journal subscribers. Free access to all Journal abstracts for all site visitors. More than 20 years of Journal content online. Subscriber access to the full-text of the Journal from 1992 to the present. Access to author abstracts from the Journal from 1977 to 1991. Complete current issue contents are just one click away from the Home page. Rapid browsing access to entire tables-of-contents of any online issue. Extensive content linking, including images, tables and references. Bibliography citations linked to MEDLINE abstracts and other available online Journal content. Page image PDF files let you download conveniently printable copies of an entire article. PDF files can also be saved on your personal computer. Pay-per-ViewA pay-per-view option is available for non-subscribers. Simply click on the article you''d like to purchase and click the ''Buy Article'' button to initiate the purchase process to access the full text article.If you would like to provide editorial feedback contact the editorial office at:EICNS@emory.edu or managingeditor@cns.org. Journal ProfileCategory: SurgeryImpact Factor: 3.780Rank: 40/192 in Clinical Neurology 12/199 in SurgeryISSN: 0148-396XIndexing SourcesCurrent Contents/Clinical MedicineCurrent Contents/Life SciencesCurrent Contents/Science Citation IndexIndex Medicus/Medline
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