患者教育和咨詢是一個跨學科的國際期刊,為患者教育和健康促進研究人員、管理人員和臨床醫生。該雜志試圖探索和闡明健康護理的教育、咨詢和溝通模式。其目的是為基礎研究和應用研究提供一個論壇,并促進研究與提供患者教育、咨詢、健康促進服務和培訓模式有關的組織問題,以改進提供者和患者之間的溝通。患者教育和咨詢是國際醫療傳播協會(EACH)和美國醫療傳播學會(AACH)的官方刊物。稿件提交該雜志歡迎有關患者教育、咨詢、臨床健康促進和醫學交流領域的未經請求的手稿。在提交期間,作者可以從下面的列表中選擇一個類別。稿件的類型應在附信中注明。最初的文章——偏好于實證研究,研究的主題包括:堅持治療方案、提供者-患者溝通、患者參與醫療保健、社會支持程度、決策技能、焦慮、生理變化或健康/功能狀態。最多4000字。請注意,稿件字數不包括以下內容:摘要、確認、參考、表格、數字、利益沖突聲明。描述性研究和干預性研究均可接受。回顧文章(當前觀點)——深入回顧患者教育和咨詢的一個方面的實證研究,包括對患者教育和咨詢中的當代問題和爭議的分析性討論(最多5000字,不包括參考文獻和表格)。醫療保健教育模式——創新項目的案例研究,舉例說明醫療保健教育模式,例如,自我保健組、患者宣傳工作、藥物自我管理項目和合作護理單位(最多2000字,不包括參考文獻和表格)。簡短的交流——在上述任何類別中也將被考慮(最多1500字,不包括參考文獻和表格)。反思實踐——反思實踐部分包括關于個人或職業經驗的論文,這些論文提供了適用于保健、人文主義和保健關系的課程。我們歡迎不請自來的手稿。不需要摘要。沒有(章節)標題,沒有編號。最多1500字。作者的名字、姓氏及其所屬機構地址、聯系方式、聯系電話、傳真、電子郵件地址、論文名稱和文字。提交的文件將由兩名評審員進行同行評審。有關反射練習部分的更多信息,請參見:Hatem D,Ride EA。分享故事:循證醫學中的敘述醫學?;颊呓逃妥稍?004;54:251-253.?醫學教育——有關醫學教育的文章側重于以經驗、計劃和教育研究為目標的教育工作,這些教育工作涉及醫療保健提供者人際/溝通技能的教學/培訓和評估,以及最佳溝通所需的態度和技能。
Patient Education and Counseling is an interdisciplinary, international journal for patient education and health promotion researchers, managers and clinicians. The journal seeks to explore and elucidate the educational, counseling and communication models in health care. Its aim is to provide a forum for fundamental as well as applied research, and to promote the study of organizational issues involved with the delivery of patient education, counseling, health promotion services and training models in improving communication between providers and patients.Patient Education and Counseling is the official journal of the International Association for Communication in Healthcare (EACH) and the American Academy on Communication in Healthcare (AACH).Manuscript SubmissionThe journal welcomes unsolicited manuscripts related to the field of patient education, counseling and clinical health promotion and communication in medicine. During submission, authors can select a category from the list below. The type of manuscript should be indicated in the cover letter.Original Articles - Preference is given to empirical research which examines such topics as adherence to therapeutic regimens, provider-patient communication, patient participation in health care, degree of social support, decision-making skills, anxiety, physiological changes, or health/functional status. Maximum 4000 words. Please note that manuscript wordcounts EXCLUDE the following in the count: Abstract, acknowledgements, references, tables, figures, conflict of interest statements. Both descriptive and intervention studies are acceptable.?Review Articles (Current Perspectives) - In-depth reviews of the empirical research in one facet of the patient education and counseling including an analytical discussion of contemporary issues and controversies in patient education and counseling (maximum 5000 words not including references and tables).Educational Model of Health Care - Case studies of innovative programs which exemplify the educational model of health care, for example, self-care groups, patient advocacy efforts, medication self administration programs and co-operative care units (maximum 2000 words not including references and tables).Short Communications - in any of the above categories will also be considered (maximum 1500 words not including references and tables).Reflective practice - The Reflective Practice section includes papers about personal or professional experiences that provide a lesson applicable to caring, humanism, and relationship in health care. We welcome unsolicited manuscripts. No abstract is needed. No (section) headings, no numbering. Maximum 1500 words. First name and surname of the author and his/her institution affiliation address, telephone and fax number and e-mail address where the corresponding author can be contacted, title of the papers and text. Submissions will be peer-reviewed by two reviewers. For further information on the Reflective Practice section see: Hatem D, Rider EA. Sharing stories: narrative medicine in an evidence-based world. Patient Education and Counseling 2004; 54:251-253.?Medical Education - Articles on medical education focus on educational efforts that target experiences, programmes and educational research on the teaching/training and evaluation of interpersonal/communication skills of health care providers and their attitudes and skills needed for optimal communication.
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