《亞太熱帶醫學雜志》(ISSN1995-7645,編碼:APJTB6)是2008年3月出版的國際英語科學月刊。由中國海南醫科大學熱帶病研究所主辦,旨在為國際醫生、醫學科學家、聯合衛生科學家和公共衛生工作者,特別是亞太地區和全球的熱帶醫學、傳染病和公共衛生工作者提供學術交流平臺。以及應對日益增長的挑戰,即了解、預防和控制亞太地區全球傳染病的急劇出現和重新出現。APJTM發表了全球熱帶醫學和公共衛生基礎和臨床研究的新發現。它特別關注熱帶疾病,如登革熱/登革熱出血熱、黑熱病、炭疽病、瘧疾、霍亂、鼠疫、利什曼病、恙蟲病、血吸蟲病、絲蟲病、錐蟲病、麻風病、埃博拉出血熱、黃熱病、巴貝西亞病、萊姆病、禽流感、苯丙型肝炎、非洲腦膜、吉斯、赤潮、流感、結核病、流行性多發性關節炎、日本腦炎、肝炎等寄生蟲病和人畜共患,在區域內多次引起重大疫情。藥理學研究、分子生物學研究、生物學研究、生理學研究、病理學研究、治療和管理的基因研究,這些令人擔憂的全球傳染病的出現和復發也是我們的重點。歡迎在所有熱帶醫學領域發表原創研究文章、評論文章、病例報告和臨床研究。APJTM目前包括在SCI、PubMed/Medline、生物文摘、化學文摘、劍橋科學文摘、Excepta Medica、Scopus、西太平洋地區指數Medicus、農業和生物科學文摘中心、全球衛生、動物學記錄、Ulrich國際期刊總監和指數Copernicus中。為適應國家信息化發展的需要,拓寬作者學術交流渠道,我們宣布《亞太熱帶醫學雜志》加入網絡。作者的版權使用費將一次性付清。如果作者不同意將其文章納入數據庫,請就其貢獻的時間發表聲明,以便我們進行適當的處理。
Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Medicine (ISSN 1995-7645 CODEN: APJTB6) is an international English scientific monthly publication which was launched in March 2008. It is sponsored by the Institute of Tropical Disease, Hainan Medical University (China), aims to provide an academic communicating platform for international physicians, medical scientists, allied health scientists and public health workers, especially those of the Asia-Pacific region and worldwide on tropical medicine, infectious diseases and public health, and to meet the growing challenges of understanding, preventing and controlling the dramatic global emergence and re-emergence of infectious diseases in the Asia-Pacific.APJTM publishes new findings in basic and clinical research on tropical medicine and public health worldwide. It particularly pays attention to tropical disease, such as dengue/dengue hemorrhagic fever, kala azar, anthracia pestis, malaria, cholera, plague, leishmaniasis, tsutsugamushi, schistosomiasis, filariasis, trypanosomatosis, leprosy, Ebola hemorrhagic fever, yellow fever, babesiasis, Lyme disease, avian influenza, enzootic hepatitis, African meningitis, red tide, influenza, tuberculosis, epidemic polyarthritis, Japanese encephalitis, hepatitis and other parasitological diseases and zoonoses, which have repeatedly caused major epidemics regionally. Pharmacological studies, molecular biological studies, biological studies, physiological studies, pathological studies, gene studies on treatment and management for these alarming global emergence and re-emergences of infectious diseases are our focuses, too. Original research articles, review articles, case reports, and clinical studies in all areas of tropical medicine are welcome.APJTM is currently included in SCI, PubMed/Medline, Biological Abstracts, Chemical Abstracts, Cambridge Scientific Abstracts, Excepta Medica, Scopus, Western Pacific Region Index Medicus, Centre for Agriculture and Bioscience Abstracts, Global Health, Zoological Record, Ulrich International Periodical Director, and Index Copernicus.To meet the needs of national information development and widen authors academic exchange channel, we declare that the journal, Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Medicine, has joined the Net. The author''''s copyright using fee will be paid off in a lump sum. If an author doesn''''t agree to involve his article in the databases, please make a declaration on the time of his contribution for our appropriate processing.
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